OK, so for the majority of us we can't get around 'the having to work thing', so you might as well look the part and have a beautifully crafted bag at the same time.  Whilst aesthetics are important, especially here in Italy, your bag must be functional and accommodate all the stuff you need to carry with you either to the office or out meeting clients.

Our range of work bags cater to your style and needs be it soft supple leathers or more structured textural finishes, all with varying configurations inside, some have padded pockets or compartments specifically for your computer or laptop, varying number of compartments for documents etc and always places to hold your pens, cards and phones.

Whether you're a little 'edgy' or more 'traditional', we have a bag for you in our selection. Just remember, leather wears in NOT out, so the more you use your bag and break in the leather, the more beautiful it will become.  

3 products